Right to Rent – Increased Fines Announced
From 22nd January, the government will introduce higher fines for landlords who fail to comply with the Right To Rent checks, as part of a wider crackdown on illegal immigration.
The value of the fine will vary depending on the circumstances. However, if a landlord knowingly rents a property to a migrant who does not have a right to be in the UK, the fines will be increased significantly:
First breach – maximum penalty | Second breach – maximum penalty | |
Lodgers in a private household | £5,000 – up from £80 | £10,000 – up from £500 |
Occupiers in rented accommodation | £10,000 – up from £1,000 | £20,000 – up from £3,000 |
Therefore, it is vital that landlords, and their agents are confident that the appropriate checks have been completed before the commencement of a tenancy.
What is a ‘right to rent check’?
All landlords in England have an obligation to check whether a potential tenant has a right to rent and live in the UK. This involves an examination of the potential tenant’s immigration status before a tenancy can commence.
In many cases, Landlords appoint an agent to conduct checks on their behalf and therefore it’s recommended that agents protect their landlords by completing thorough checks.
At The Lettings Hub, we take the stress out of Right to Rent checks, with our Know Your Customer product range; using facial biometrics and Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT), providing agents with a comprehensive report for UK & Irish Nationals, as well as checking share codes for tenants with Biometric Passports or Residence Codes.
This content was exclusively prepared in collaboration with The Lettings Hub by Alex Giblett from award-winning Woodstock Legal Services.
Woodstock Legal Services are specialists in legal advice and solutions for the Private Rental Sector.
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